Credit Union Advocacy Fund
The Credit Union Advocacy Fund provides resources to strongly position credit unions on the legislative and political fronts. The Advocacy Fund is proactive in nature, helping to create a strong credit union environment and augment MnCUN’s advocacy effort. Funds are employed for certain purposes, which can include grassroots mobilization and organization building; enhancing direct lobbying; influencing decision-makers through public affairs and public relations; helping to maintain Credit Union House on Capitol Hill; and supporting the National Advocacy Fund. As a restricted fund, expenditures are governed by a committee of credit unions and MnCUN staff. Solicitation for the Advocacy Fund occurs each year in conjunction with the issuance of the Network’s annual membership dues invoice, as well as on an as-needed basis.
Expenditures from the Advocacy Fund are used to enhance MnCUN’s dues supported advocacy activities and increase credit unions’ impact through: