The Minnesota Credit Union Network is dedicated to providing credit unions the training and resources they need to grow and thrive in today’s financial environment. Through its education and credit union development programs, the Network provides information and training on a wide variety of topics.
As the state trade association for Minnesota’s credit unions, providing top-tier educational opportunities is one of the many ways in which the Minnesota Credit Union Network serves you.
Discounts for small credit unions ($100 million and under) and CREW members may be available.
Save the Date for 2025 Major Events
The Minnesota Credit Union Network is dedicated to providing credit unions a variety of professional development opportunities to collaborate, grow, and thrive in today’s financial environment. We are excited to introduce new and refreshed offerings for networking and professional development.
P2P Subscription Option
P2P subscriptions give access to all P2P sessions for any staff at a credit union throughout the year. Any affiliated credit union may subscribe to the P2P program through a one-time, annual payment. The P2P subscription will come with a discount code unique to your credit union for registration at any of the P2P sessions throughout the year. More information and pricing information can be found on the P2P page. Individual session registration will still be available.
As the state trade association for Minnesota’s credit unions, providing top-tier educational opportunities is one of the many ways in which the Minnesota Credit Union Network serves you.
Discounts for small credit unions ($100 million and under) and CREW members may be available.
Save the Date for 2025 Major Events
The Minnesota Credit Union Network is dedicated to providing credit unions a variety of professional development opportunities to collaborate, grow, and thrive in today’s financial environment. We are excited to introduce new and refreshed offerings for networking and professional development.
- The Roundtable – Horseshoe, Las Vegas, Feb. 4-5
- Impact Day at the Capitol – Union Depot, St. Paul, Feb. 12
- GAC – Washington DC, March 2-6
- ACCELERATE 25 – Mystic Lake, Prior Lake, April 21-23* note date change
- CEO Conference – Grand View Lodge, Brainerd, June 24-26
- Tristate Leadership Conference – JW Marriott, Bloomington, Aug. 5-6
- Directors Conference – Radisson Blu MOA, Bloomington, October 3- 4
P2P Subscription Option
P2P subscriptions give access to all P2P sessions for any staff at a credit union throughout the year. Any affiliated credit union may subscribe to the P2P program through a one-time, annual payment. The P2P subscription will come with a discount code unique to your credit union for registration at any of the P2P sessions throughout the year. More information and pricing information can be found on the P2P page. Individual session registration will still be available.
Credit Union Webinar Network
Minnesota Credit Union Network partners with Credit Union Webinar Network to provide you with relevant, reliable, cost-effective credit union webinar training. Together we offer more than 200 live and on-demand webinars, covering topics important to every level of your credit union. No travel expense or time away from the office.
Live webinars offer unlimited live connections with shareable access within your institution available to view on desktop, mobile & tablet devices, take-away toolkit, live Q&A and presenter’s contact info for follow-up questions.
On-Demand webinars offer the same shareable access starting two business days after the live date on desktop, mobile & tables devices, take-away toolkit, ability to download all webinar materials, presenter’s contact info for follow-up questions, and the on-demand is always available in your User Portal.
View our calendar. If you have any questions or have trouble registering, please reach out to CUWN at [email protected] or by phone 406-442-2585.
Live webinars offer unlimited live connections with shareable access within your institution available to view on desktop, mobile & tablet devices, take-away toolkit, live Q&A and presenter’s contact info for follow-up questions.
On-Demand webinars offer the same shareable access starting two business days after the live date on desktop, mobile & tables devices, take-away toolkit, ability to download all webinar materials, presenter’s contact info for follow-up questions, and the on-demand is always available in your User Portal.
View our calendar. If you have any questions or have trouble registering, please reach out to CUWN at [email protected] or by phone 406-442-2585.
THRIVE Data Activation series
We partner with THRIVE to offer your credit union access to a series of trainings designed to develop data confidence, capability, and proficiency in the essentials of data governance, enterprise data vision, member-centered data use, workplace adoption, and more. With five virtual dates to choose from, you can select which dates work best for you.
Learn more and register for Data Activation Series or one of the Deep Dive Data Governance sessions.
Learn more and register for Data Activation Series or one of the Deep Dive Data Governance sessions.
Credit Union Sales Intensive Workshop
We partner with SalesCU to offer sales training and coaching to help your staff transform the way they serve your members’ needs. The Credit Union Sales Intensive is designed to provide the essential sales mindset, processes, and skills for all member-facing employees and leaders at your credit union. With five virtual dates to choose from, proven sales development is available for everyone!
Learn more and register for the 2-day Frontline Workshop or the 3-day Leadership Workshop.
Learn more and register for the 2-day Frontline Workshop or the 3-day Leadership Workshop.
Get Involved
Peer-to-Peer Sessions
Peer-to-Peer sessions (P2P) provide credit union professionals the opportunity to participate in cooperative meetings to network and exchange ideas.
The CREW Young Professionals
The Crew is a group for young professionals working in the credit union movement in Minnesota. The Minnesota Credit Union Network hosts special sessions for Crew members at major Network events as well as standalone Crew education sessions, happy hours, and volunteer opportunities throughout the year.
Women's Leadership Network
The Minnesota Credit Union Women’s Leadership Network is a sister society of the World Council of Credit Unions’ Global Women’s Leadership Network.
Credit Union Chapters
Minnesota’s credit union chapters provide professionals and volunteers opportunities to network and connect with credit union individuals in their geographic area.
The Network committees are made up of credit union professionals who volunteer their time to serving the Minnesota credit union movement. Representing credit unions of all sizes and from all corners of the state, committee members help to further a variety of objectives from politics to international partnerships to cooperative advertising.
Event Policies
The Minnesota Credit Union Network and its affiliates (collectively “MnCUN”) are committed to creating a welcoming, safe and respectful environment for all persons who attend our conferences and events regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, physical appearance or career level. In order to facilitate such an environment, all participants, including attendees, guests, exhibitors, speakers and volunteers shall abide by this Code of Conduct. This Code of Conduct applies to all components of MnCUN’s events, including those sponsored by organizations other than MnCUN that are held in conjunction with MnCUN events, whether in public or private facilities.