As a member of MnCUN, you have the support of the only trade association that champions Minnesota Credit Unions. We ensure credit union priorities are front and center as we advocate, accelerate, collaborate, and celebrate Minnesota’s thriving credit union system.
“When I joined the Network more than a decade ago, my goal was to connect with other industry professionals and build strong relationships. |
Membership in MnCUN and national trade associations ensures your connection to powerful advocacy, expertise, resources, opportunity, and influence.
We value our members' continued trust in us, and we appreciate the opportunity to be able to serve credit unions throughout the state.
Contact Minnesota Credit Union Network President and CEO, Mara Humphrey, with questions.
We value our members' continued trust in us, and we appreciate the opportunity to be able to serve credit unions throughout the state.
Contact Minnesota Credit Union Network President and CEO, Mara Humphrey, with questions.
Advocacy >>Championing Credit Unions at the U.S. & State Capitols: MnCUN ensures that credit unions speak with a unified voice when decisions are made at the state and federal level that would impact Minnesota Credit Unions.
Regulatory Advocacy & Access to Compliance Resources: MnCUN provides member credit unions access to timely, relevant information through comprehensive compliance guides and policies, one-on-one compliance support, and expertise on emerging topics while advocating on proposed regulatory rules. Driving Membership Growth Statewide: Creating statewide awareness of credit unions and the credit union advantage through storytelling and public relations advertising campaigns to increase support for credit unions and knowledge of the credit union advantage. |
Acceleration>>Enhance Your Credit Union’s Operations: MnCUN members can take advantage of cost savings and efficiency through the MN CU Employee Benefits Plan; get reliable and accurate nationwide credit union compensation data through the Staff Salary Report; and coming next year, legal services specific to your needs through a newly formed law firm.
Leveraging Cooperative Strength: The Tristate Collaborative brings the scale of three states to demonstrate a viable market for best-in-class products and services while providing access to the best products at the best possible prices for credit unions. Taking Member Service to the Next Level: TruLync Medicare Advisors support your members through the Medicare enrollment process, ensuring the financial well-being of your members and revenue for your credit union. |
“The new partnership MNCUN has launched with TruLync Medicare Advisors has been a great value add. This team has been an excellent resource to help simplify a complex topic for our members.
The Novation Credit Union members who have enrolled have seen significant cost savings.” -Mike Kronebusch, Novation CU, President & CEO |
Ensuring that All Credit Unions Can Thrive: Sharing expertise in digital transformation, collaborating to develop innovative services, and working together to protect members against emerging risks.
Connecting Credit Unions: MnCUN brings credit union staff and board members together to share expertise and resources through our signature events and specialized professional development programs.
Supporting the Needs of Credit Unions and Their Members: The Minnesota Credit Union Foundation provides funding for professional development grants, technology assistance, and disaster relief.
Connecting Credit Unions: MnCUN brings credit union staff and board members together to share expertise and resources through our signature events and specialized professional development programs.
Supporting the Needs of Credit Unions and Their Members: The Minnesota Credit Union Foundation provides funding for professional development grants, technology assistance, and disaster relief.
“I have had the pleasure of being involved with MNCUN for over five years. Their commitment to supporting the growth and success of credit unions and credit union staff through advocacy and professional development efforts has truly been inspiring. My involvement with CREW, Trailblazers, and CU4Kids has allowed me to connect and collaborate with so many different peers within the industry.
The excitement and passion we all have about making a difference in the lives of our members and the communities we serve is the motivation that continues to fuel my why.”
-Cory Ouellette, Minnesota Power Employees CU, VP-Operations
Special Funds
Credit Union Advocacy Fund
The Credit Union Advocacy Fund provides resources to strongly position credit unions on the legislative and political fronts. The Advocacy Fund is proactive in nature, helping to create a strong credit union environment and augment MnCUN’s advocacy effort. As a restricted fund, expenditures are governed by a committee of credit unions and MnCUN staff. |
Minnesota Credit Union Foundation
The Minnesota Credit Union Foundation (MnCUF) provides grants, community partnerships, professional development and disaster relief to help the state's credit unions and communities prosper and thrive. Founded in 1969 by the Minnesota Credit Union Network, MnCUF is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization governed by a seven-member board of directors from various Minnesota credit unions. |
Small Credit Union Benefits>>
Grants and Reduced Pricing>>Small Credit Union Technology Assistance: provides funding to help small credit unions best serve their members and to help thrive and grow through funding from the Minnesota Credit Union Foundation (MnCUF).
Education Grants: expedited reimbursement of professional development opportunities from the MnCUF. Free Webinar: a free webinar of your choice through MnCUN’s approved provider. Discounted Registration: discounts on MnCUN’s signature events. Access to Business Development & Strategic ExpertiseMnCUN works with small credit unions to set your credit union up for success:
Solutions to Manage Compliance Issues >> Complimentary access to an online policy resource with over 100 sample policies through Policy Aid. Policies are updated quarterly and come with two complimentary compliance training webinars through MnCUN’s partnership with ViClarity. Get your questions answered: submit a question online or by phone and MnCUN’s compliance experts will assist with general compliance information. |
“We belong to the Minnesota Credit Union Network because it’s a resource tailored specifically for credit unions. MnCUN’s industry expertise and lobbying efforts on our behalf are invaluable, and they create opportunities for collaboration and networking that help all Minnesota credit unions succeed. |
Associate Membership Levels
A credit union that has its headquarters in a state other than Minnesota may be an associate member. Associate members must be affiliated with the state league in which they are headquartered. Associate members have two options for affiliation:
Tier 1 Associate: Includes compliance assistance, educational sessions, publications, political advocacy, and member service support. Tier 1 members do not have voting rights nor representation on the Network Board of Directors.
Tier 2 Associate:
In addition to the services above, Tier 2 members are entitled to:
Tier 1 Associate: Includes compliance assistance, educational sessions, publications, political advocacy, and member service support. Tier 1 members do not have voting rights nor representation on the Network Board of Directors.
Tier 2 Associate:
In addition to the services above, Tier 2 members are entitled to:
- vote (one vote per 10,000 credit union members in the state of Minnesota);
- run for a position on the MnCUN Board of Directors;
- serve on MnCUN committees and/or on chapter boards;
- the same rights, privileges, duties and responsibilities as regular MnCUN members.
Contact Minnesota Credit Union Network Director of Engagement, Xiong Lee, with questions about Membership Levels.