National Credit Union Foundation
As the philanthropic and social responsibility leader of America's credit union movement, the National Credit Union Foundation raises funds, makes grants, manages programs, and provides education empowering consumers to achieve financial independence through credit unions. Through its efforts– programs like Real Solutions, Development Education and BizKid$, and the availability of financial education grants – the Foundation works to respond to a variety of needs in the credit union movement.
CUFEN (Credit Union Financial Education Network)
CUFEN (formerly recognized as the National Youth Involvement Board) is a fully operating 501-C3 organization that exists solely to further the awareness of the importance of financial literacy in America. Moreover, CUFEN strives to be solution-driven by showcasing successful financial education initiatives and collaborating with professionals nationwide on best practices.
Membership to CUFEN is FREE to all U.S. credit unions and their employees. Join today and experience the credit union difference and a renewed commitment to financial literacy.
Membership to CUFEN is FREE to all U.S. credit unions and their employees. Join today and experience the credit union difference and a renewed commitment to financial literacy.
NEFE High School Financial Planning Program
The NEFE High School Financial Planning Program is a seven-unit financial education curriculum designed and developed around performance-based learning. The HSFPP's carefully designed exercises and activities educate students in the basics of personal finance, teaching young people how to handle and manage their money. This curriculum is underwritten by America's Credit Unions.
Jump$tart Coalition
The Minnesota Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy is a group that brings together individuals and organizations to improve the personal financial literacy of Minnesota’s youth. Similar in purpose to other Jump$tart Boards in nearly every other state, the Minnesota coalition includes individual participants and representatives from government agencies, businesses, and nonprofit organizations.
Experiential Learning
Experiential learning programs are simulations and exercises that mirror a taste of real life by involving a direct encounter with life situations rather than reading or thinking about such events. Examples include programs such as Reality Fairs, Retirement Fairs, and Life Simulations, designed to provide needed financial information, but more importantly, to be a catalyst for behavior change. The Minnesota Credit Union Foundation offers simulations for adults and youth.
Life Simulation: Experiencing Poverty for Professionals
The Life Simulation is designed to help sensitize participants to the financial needs of low-wage working families. During the three-hour Life Simulation participants are grouped into “families” struggling to make ends meet in a simulated month of four fifteen-minute weeks. Each participant plays a unique role within the family. Participants visit a variety of booths, including a school, employer, pawn shop and payday lender. Through the exercise, they encounter events and financial crises faced by many low-income Americans. After the exercise, participants have an opportunity to share their thoughts and emotions in a powerful debriefing session.
Mad City Money: Real Life Money Skills for Students
Offered as a two-hour hands-on simulation or a classroom workshop, Mad City Money gives youth a taste of the real world - complete with occupation, salary, spouse, student loan debt, credit card debt, and medical insurance payments. They make mistakes - and suffer the consequences of their decisions - in a realistic, but safe, environment. Once the shock wears off, they reevaluate choices and manage their money effectively. Mad City Money is designed for students 15 to 18 years of age.
In addition to these programs offered through the Minnesota Credit Union Foundation, several credit unions across the state offer experimental learning for youth and adults.
The Life Simulation is a program of the National Credit Union Foundation.
Mad City Money is a product of the Credit Union National Association. The Minnesota Credit Union Foundation has purchased these kits to provide experiential learning to credit unions, students and community partners across Minnesota.
With more information about experiential learning initiatives, contact MnCUF Executive Director Andrea Molnau by email.
The Life Simulation is a program of the National Credit Union Foundation.
Mad City Money is a product of the Credit Union National Association. The Minnesota Credit Union Foundation has purchased these kits to provide experiential learning to credit unions, students and community partners across Minnesota.
With more information about experiential learning initiatives, contact MnCUF Executive Director Andrea Molnau by email.