Minnesota's Credit Union Advantage InitiativeWe are proud of MCUN’s leadership and contributions to cooperative credit union awareness efforts. In Minnesota, we’ve been successful in growing credit union membership. Since 2017, we’ve seen a 19-point increase in the number of Minnesota consumers indicating that they are likely or very likely to join a credit union; and the number of credit union members as a percentage of the population of Minnesota grew from 30.7% to 37%. Now is the time for Minnesota to lead again.
The 2024 Minnesota Credit Union Advantage campaign will shift our strategies to a more grassroots effort to engage and share stories about how Minnesota credit unions are giving Minnesotans an advantage. Our objective for 2024 is to re-energize and amplify a statewide campaign to share the advantage credit unions bring Minnesota Consumers. We’ll tell stories and share our cooperative model through grassroots, targeted activation including events and paid, earned and social media.
Share your Member Stories
One of the most important elements of the campaign is storytelling from members about how key products and services helped them in their financial lives. We need your help to gather these stories. The topic areas we are looking for are as follows:
We want to amplify and highlight these stories in multiple channels that include the Minnesota Financial Advantage podcast presented by MN Credit Unions, as well as streaming audio ads across the state. Please complete this form by June 14 to have your member story considered.
Cooperative Events
Watch for our event plan in the coming weeks for bringing credit unions together around the state between the 4th of July and Labor Day to share the Credit Union Advantage with Minnesotans.
To cooperatively finance this effort, we are seeking financial support via a donation to the Minnesota Credit Union Awareness Fund. While we certainly encourage credit unions to donate at the suggested ask, donations of all amounts or in-kind contributions are welcome.
2024 Minnesota Awareness Preview webinar recording. (note MnCUN login required).
With questions, contact MnCUN Vice President - Communications and Engagement Andrea Molnau.
Share your Member Stories
One of the most important elements of the campaign is storytelling from members about how key products and services helped them in their financial lives. We need your help to gather these stories. The topic areas we are looking for are as follows:
- Debt Consolidation
- Fraud
- Financial Literacy
- Equity and Community Engagement
- Auto Loans
- Prized Linked Savings
- Medicare
- Housing/Mortgages
We want to amplify and highlight these stories in multiple channels that include the Minnesota Financial Advantage podcast presented by MN Credit Unions, as well as streaming audio ads across the state. Please complete this form by June 14 to have your member story considered.
Cooperative Events
Watch for our event plan in the coming weeks for bringing credit unions together around the state between the 4th of July and Labor Day to share the Credit Union Advantage with Minnesotans.
To cooperatively finance this effort, we are seeking financial support via a donation to the Minnesota Credit Union Awareness Fund. While we certainly encourage credit unions to donate at the suggested ask, donations of all amounts or in-kind contributions are welcome.
2024 Minnesota Awareness Preview webinar recording. (note MnCUN login required).
With questions, contact MnCUN Vice President - Communications and Engagement Andrea Molnau.