Raising money for federal and state political action committees is critical for credit unions this election year. Dollars contributed to CULAC (CUNA’s PAC for federal candidates) and CUPAC (MnCUN’s PAC for state candidates) ensure that we continue to have credit union champions in all levels of elected office. To help credit unions remain strongly positioned politically, the Network has created a number of fundraising programs, including the Fair Share Program.
The Fair Share is a dollar amount per employee for credit unions to strive towards raising to support both PAC’s. The Network’s Political Involvement Committee last year set the Fair Share target at $30 per credit union employee per year. The below credit unions achieved their Fair Share goal for 2021:
The Network would like to express its gratitude for the fundraising efforts of all of our credit unions. We would also encourage all of our members to make a plan to try to hit their Fair Share goal for 2022. For any questions, please contact MnCUN’s Director of Government Affairs, Ryan Smith. Comments are closed.
The PulseThe Pulse is MnCUN's newsletter that keeps credit union professionals and board members updated on current news and information. Categories
February 2025