The Tristate Mentor Match is a 12-month program designed to build, grow, support, and inspire credit union professionals in their careers and commitment to the Credit Union Movement. It envisions relationships based upon commitment, common goals and expectations, and mutual trust and respect, in which both the mentee and mentor grow in the process. This program is a partnership among the Minnesota Credit Union Network, Montana’s Credit Unions and the Wisconsin Credit Union League to expand our reach and bring our collective members a rich and diverse opportunity to network and grow.
See what this year’s participants are saying about the experience: “I think this mentorship program was one of the best ideas and collaborations I have ever been a part of! My mentor has been FANTASTIC and I am still trying to figure out how the team was able to match us so perfectly. She has been vital to my recent successes and helped me find more confidence within my role, my development, and myself. I highly recommend this program!” Caitlin Brama, Branch Manager Financial One Credit Union This was my first experience mentoring an individual in a structural format. I felt like my own leadership skills increased as a mentor - it was like a two-way street. I gained new perspectives each time we connected, and I can honestly say this experience has changed the way I look at myself as a leader. I feel like I became more motivated in my own role. My mentee grew in her role and was promoted in the process! Serving as mentor is an opportunity to gain satisfaction giving back to your work community, and provides yourself a deeper appreciation and pride in what you do. I wholeheartedly recommend this experience! Kathy Harrington, President Heartland Credit Union "Being a mentor as part of the Tristate Mentorship Match program has been rewarding beyond words. Being part of another individual’s credit union’s journey is such a privilege. During the time I spent with my mentee, I have learned more about myself and my leadership style. I believe we both have grown and now have a strong bond with another credit union professional. The time commitment and agenda were driven by my mentee. She was excited to learn and so appreciative of the time we spent together. The 12-month commitment really is a lifelong connection. I am excited to see how my mentee will make an impact in the future!" Anita Quaglia, CUDE, VP of Member Engagement Minnco Credit Union Applications are open for both mentees and mentors. Deadline to apply is August 5, 2022, and the program kicks off in September. More information and a link to application are available on the online mentorship page. With questions, reach out to Mara Humphrey or Andrea Molnau. Comments are closed.
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