As one of the final steps in the new credit union charter application process, the Association for Black Economic Power (ABEP) is seeking volunteers for credit union Board of Directors, Supervisory and Credit Committees. ABEP is a nonprofit organization created to establish a Black-led credit union to address systemic financial challenges impacting Minneapolis residents, particularly people of color.
It has been advised by state and federal regulators that credit union executive staff should not be on a board or committee of another credit union; however, staff and mid-level management would be acceptable based on the approval of the employing credit union. “This would be an excellent professional development opportunity for those with financial, credit or compliance and audit experience,” said Mark Cummins, President & CEO of the Minnesota Credit Union Network. “Volunteering for the new credit union is a chance to build something from the ground up, and make a real difference in the lives of North Minneapolis community members.” To learn more, visit; or reach out directly to Debra Hurston, Executive Director of ABEP. Comments are closed.
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February 2025