Confirm your Credit Union’s Participation in the 2023 Minnesota Consumer Consideration Initiative11/29/2022
2023 will mark Minnesota’s fifth year supporting the Credit Union Consumer Awareness Initiative. The program continues to evolve to bring credit unions additional value and ROI for their marketing investment, and more ways to engage with consumers. We listened to your feedback and are shifting from awareness & consideration to consideration & action - resulting in increased membership opportunities and market share. To continue this momentum, 2023 program updates include:
Check out the full list of benefits and match with the plan that works best for your credit union. In addition to the YMF Program Benefits, MN Credit Unions will benefit from additional deployment efforts, as a portion of their subscription will be used for statewide and local tactics. New annual pricing is now available. Thank you to Wings Financial Credit Union for generously sponsoring a Standard level subscription for all MnCUN member credit unions $100 million in assets and under. Select your subscription level by completing the 2023 Awareness Contribution Form. Please note registration and payments must be complete by January 27, 2023. With questions, visit or contact MnCUN Vice President - Communications and Engagement Andrea Molnau. Comments are closed.
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January 2025