The Foundation Scholarship Council (FSC) annual scholarship program is accepting applications through November 30, 2021 with recipients being announced in March 2022.
This year the council will be awarding $16,000 which includes eight $1,000 scholarships to traditional applicants and eight $1,000 scholarships to non-traditional applicants. Any member of a Minnesota Credit Union Network affiliated credit union pursuing post-secondary education in the fall 2022/spring 2023 OR is a high school senior graduating in 2022 is eligible to apply. Applications are accepted online with a submission deadline of November 30, 2021. Applicants are asked to answer the following essay question: How did the way you interact and communicate with businesses change during the pandemic and what would you like to see continue in the future? From these experiences what suggestions do you have for your credit union? The Foundation Scholarship Council (FSC) is a committee of the Minnesota Credit Union Foundation. The FSC strives to build credit union brand awareness and strengthen member relationships through their scholarship program. Since its inauguration in 1997, the FSC has awarded over $200,000 in scholarships to Minnesota credit union members. With questions about the scholarship program, contact the FSC. Comments are closed.
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