There’s a lot of talk about financial well-being for all. A lot. You see it in the credit union trade press. You hear it at conferences. What exactly is financial well-being for all? How does it concern you and affect your role in the credit union? What are the opportunities in Minnesota to rethink how you help members lead their best financial lives? Join National Credit Union Foundation Executive Director Gigi Hyland to talk about financial well-being for all and get actionable ideas to make this a key part of your strategy moving forward.
This program is generously sponsored by the Minnesota Credit Union Foundation and will be offered at no charge for MnCUN member credit union employees. Date: June 23, 2021 Time: 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Location: Webinar/conference call Cost: Free Comments are closed.
The PulseThe Pulse is MnCUN's newsletter that keeps credit union professionals and board members updated on current news and information. Categories
February 2025