Is your credit union looking to leverage Multicultural Opportunities in your market? Please join us for a series of webinars that connect the MnCUN Multicultural Opportunity Report with actionable examples for your credit union and your communities to grow and prosper. Presented by Coopera, a full-service multicultural analytics and consulting firm, the series continues on June 22nd; and August 10th. All sessions will be held from 1 to 2 p.m. Further descriptions of each session are noted below. Follow this link to register.
June 22: Opportunities for Credit Unions to Serve Growing Multicultural Populations in MN This session will provide a further “deep dive” into the financial needs of Mexicans, Hmong, and African Americans – which are the largest growing ethnic groups in Minnesota. We’ll share practical examples of how credit unions can meet those needs via products, community outreach, staff, and more. This is session is particularly useful for credit unions looking to enhance outreach and services for Minnesota’s immigrant/refugee and African-American communities. August 10: How can we do better? Addressing and closing the Wealth Gaps in Minnesota Our final session will focus on the current wealth gaps in Minnesota. We’ll take a closer look at our own bias around lending, branding, and risk; and explore practical ways to overcome those biases to improve financial wellbeing for all. Comments are closed.
The PulseThe Pulse is MnCUN's newsletter that keeps credit union professionals and board members updated on current news and information. Categories
February 2025