The Minnesota Credit Union Foundation held its Annual Meeting on July 16, 2020.
Board Chair Kathy Harrington, of Heartland Credit Union, reported on the efforts of the Foundation in 2019. Over $53,000 was distributed in support of various grant programs – which is a $20,000 increase over the prior year – mainly in the areas of professional development opportunities for credit union staff across the state. In addition:
The Board Election was held. Doug Hallstrom of Minnco Credit Union was re-elected to fill a second 3 year term. He currently serves in the position of Secretary/Treasurer. Tom Smith, of TopLine Federal Credit Union was elected to his first 3 year term. Smith is currently serving on the Network Board of Directors and will replace Mary Hansen’s seat. Mary Hansen of Mayo Employees Federal Credit Union has termed off the Foundation Board. She was recognized at the meeting for 14 years of dedicated service to the Minnesota Credit Union Foundation. As a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization, the Foundation is dependent on the support of Minnesota credit unions, employees, partners, and community organizations. Visit for a copy of the 2019 Annual Report. Comments are closed.
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