At the October 23rd meeting, the MnCUN Board approved the dues factor and revenue projections to set 2021 Affiliation Dues. As we continue to look out for our member credit unions, and help to ensure you’re in the best position to help your members through the financial recovery, the MnCUN Board approved two measures as they relate to the dues calculations. First, recognizing June 30 financials are inflated for many credit unions, it was determined to adjust the call report date with which we calculate dues to March 31, 2020. Second, the Board approved not to increase the dues factor, and set it to be the same as 2020. Dues estimates are being sent to credit unions this week.
Membership with the Minnesota Credit Union Network (MnCUN) and Credit Union National Association (CUNA) ensures powerful credit union advocacy at state and national level and access to unparalleled compliance, training, peer networking and COVID-19 resources. Deb Almirall Appointed to MnCUN Board At the Network/NSC Board meeting on Friday, the Board appointed Deb Almirall to fill the vacancy created with Terri Maloney’s retirement. Deb is the CEO of Minnesota Power CU in Duluth. This appointment (per bylaws) is until our next annual business meeting and the Board also set April 23, 2021 as the next annual business meeting. Please welcome Deb to the Network/NSC Board of Directors! Comments are closed.
The PulseThe Pulse is MnCUN's newsletter that keeps credit union professionals and board members updated on current news and information. Categories