Minnesota was the first state to launch the national Credit Union Consumer Awareness Initiative in 2019 and since then, has seen both increased average membership growth and consumer familiarity of credit unions. The campaign’s digital-first strategy positions research-proven messages to put credit unions at the center of consumer consideration when needing a financial service. In 2022, the YourMoneyFurther initiative shifted to a consideration-and-conversion strategy, upgraded to a more vibrant brand, and expanded opportunities for credit unions to capture qualified leads. Based on the success of the program and feedback from credit unions, the 2023 initiative plans to connect consumers more directly and measurably to participating credit unions, while continuing to create consideration and awareness overall. This change is also allowing for a change in pricing structure, moving away from a contribution/donation model to a participation and service delivery model. Join MnCUN and CU Awareness on Monday, Oct. 31 at 1:00 p.m. to hear an update on the Minnesota initiative and learn more about the changes ahead. We will be joined by Christopher Lorence of CUNA Awareness, and Blois Olson of Fluence Media. Content will include current results of 2022 strategies, and an overview of plans and new pricing options for 2023. The webinar is free and will be recorded. We do ask that you please register. With questions, contact Andrea Molnau by email or 651-288-5527. Comments are closed.
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January 2025