The Enhanced Financial Counseling Certification Program (FiCEP) teaches credit union staff how to counsel members so they can budget better, smartly save, pay down debt and plan for the future. Obtaining the training and associated credentials allows your credit union to differentiate itself from other financial institutions and be more confident in helping members emerge from the challenges of the pandemic and build a stronger financial future. MnCUF has posted a recording of last week’s Enhanced FiCEP Informational Webinar which can help potential students learn if the program is right for them.
The cohort-style training consists of 8 tutorial webinars, exam preparation, proctored exam, and program development training - taking place between June 30 through October 27, 2021. Upon completion, participants will receive the Certified Credit Union Financial Counselor (CCUFC) designation. "Mid-Minnesota Federal Credit Union is excited to participate in the FiCEP certification,” said Jill Casper, CUDE, CCUFC, VP of Training & Community Relations. “We invested in sending representation from each of our branches, loss prevention, and our call center. This is a fantastic opportunity for both staff development and continuing to meet the ever-changing needs of our members and the communities we serve." As a central part of its mission to provide resources for credit unions and communities to prosper and thrive, MnCUF has generously committed funding to help support the cost of the program for another year. The program is provided in partnership between the MnCU Foundation, CUNA's Center for Professional Development (CUNA CPD), and CU Difference. “The Enhanced Financial Counseling Certification Program exemplifies the Foundation’s mission of providing professional development for credit unions and supporting the financial well-being of members and communities, ” said Minnesota Credit Union Foundation Executive Director Andrea Molnau. Those who have obtained the Certified Credit Union Financial Counselor (CCUFC) designation are required to recertify every three years to ensure that knowledge about financial counseling is current. CCUFC professionals in Minnesota have the option to receive re-certification with the MnCU Foundation. This opportunity includes a half-day refresher training provided by CU Difference on October 26th, and a copy of the CUNA Financial Counseling Certification Program Update Book, 5th Edition. For more information on FiCEP certification or re-certification programs, visit Comments are closed.
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