During the 2020 Annual Conference, Minnesota credit unions were recognized for their fundraising and grassroots efforts. Political fundraising and organizing is essential to increasing the political prominence and influence of Minnesota credit unions.
Fair Share The Fair Share plan challenges each credit union in the state to financially support political fundraising initiatives.
Payroll Deduction Contribution Payroll deduction is an easy way to contribute to support credit union-friendly candidates at the state and federal levels.
GREAT The GrassRoots Education & Action Team (GREAT) is coordinated by the Minnesota Credit Union Network and powered by Minnesota credit union employees, volunteers, and members. GREAT provides credit union supporters a way to help preserve, protect and promote Minnesota credit unions.
To support CU advocacy and participate in these programs, visit the Support CU Advocacy section of the website. Comments are closed.
The PulseThe Pulse is MnCUN's newsletter that keeps credit union professionals and board members updated on current news and information. Categories
February 2025