Join your colleagues for the Minnesota Credit Union Network's ACCELERATE 24 - MnCUN's biggest event of the year. ACCELERATE 24 will take place on April 18 & 19 at a new location - the Mystic Lake Center in Prior Lake. These 2 days will feature guest speakers, educational sessions, the Annual Business meeting, networking, the state’s largest tradeshow, and opportunities to support great causes.
We are excited to announce the following General and Break Out Session speakers. Watch for additional topics and speaker announcements coming soon!
For more information, schedule at a glance, lodging details and more, visit our Accelerate 24: Annual Conference page. Early bird registration ends March 13 and registration closes Wednesday, April 3. With questions, contact MnCUN Vice President of Communications and Engagement Andrea Molnau or Director of Engagement Xiong Lee. Comments are closed.
The PulseThe Pulse is MnCUN's newsletter that keeps credit union professionals and board members updated on current news and information. Categories