Minnesotans who selected a Health Savings Account (HSA)-compatible plan for 2021 may be wondering where to open an account.
UCare, a non-profit health plan provider, and the Minnesota Credit Union Network have teamed up to help connect Minnesotans with financial institutions to complement their 2021 individual and family health plans that are compatible with health savings accounts (HSAs) offered on MNsure. As part of this collaboration, UCare will promote credit unions as a trusted option for consumers to learn about and choose an HSA. Credit unions have access to a variety of marketing materials to help educate consumers and your members about HSA-compatible health plans and how they work with HSAs. Resources include a guide for consumers, an education video, blog posts and an infographic for download. Additionally, if you would like to co-host an educational webinar for your members with UCare – you can contact Brian Eck at [email protected]. With questions, and if you need to make a change to any listings on creditunionhsa.org, contact MnCUN Director of Communications Julia Miller. Comments are closed.
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